Japan 2016, Wrap Up
- Overall what we did: 24 days in Japan. 1.5 days in Tokyo, 2.5 days in Kyoto, 1 day running around like lunatics out to Himeji and the rest in Osaka / Wakayama
- Favourite part of Japan: Everything, but it would have to be family
- Key tip: Never cross the street if you haven’t seen the light change. The flashing only occurs for a second or tw oand then you’ll be playing real life frogger unless you run.
- Extra points:
- Festivals: Check out the smaller firework festivals outside the big events. Much better views and less crowded
- Festival food: Eat lots of it. Fried chicken is good and egg senbei is always a winner
- Highlights: Highly recommend Tenjin Matsuri – go and see the floats. They’re the best bit
- Best Experience: Too many to pick! Spending lots of time with family was definitely a highlight. We had lots of delicious meals and fun times setting off fireworks which was a first for me. Very different to the sparklers we have in Australia (was a tad worried we might end up setting Oka-sans house on fire at one point…)
- Worst Experience: Getting photographed by a stranger (foreigner) in a department store in Kyoto. Actually the level of attention in Kyoto was a bit unnerving this time. Not sure why this was as previously it hasn’t been an issue in Kyoto, and Tokyo and Osaka were normal. There was a lot of tourists in Kyoto so it was a bit odd, and was glad to leave by the end.
- Must See Attraction: Summer festivals. Doesn’t matter too much which one I think just make sure you get along to one – the food, atmosphere and parades are worth the crowds
- Most Over-hyped Attraction: Tenjin Matsuri Fireworks. Yes they’re big but way too many people and trees to get a decent view. The fireworks at the port in Wakayama were much better
- Would I go back? Err, yes!
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