New Zealand 2013, Roaring through the Taupo Rapids

Taupo was probably my favourite spot that we visited during our loop around the North Island. It’s a rather relaxing town to just wander around in, with stunning scenery across the lake and mountains – and also adventure for those who get too bored with the more relaxing activities. We had a pretty packed two days spent cruising on the Ernest Kemp to the Maori rock carvings, white water rafting down the Tonagriro River, flying in a light plane around Lake Taupo, and visiting Huka Falls and the Huka Honey Hive.

Some things I learnt during our time at Taupo:

  • Working wifi is a not a luxury but an essential if you don’t have any of your activities or accommodation booked (cue numerous nerve wracking moments)
  • iSite Visitor Centres are pretty awesome. We were able to get all of our big activities booked easily (nerve wracking moments gone)
  • It is always best to plan activities based on the least fit person in the group. Consecutive days of hiking, rafting and then caving at Waitomo took their toll on the slow one of the group (i.e. me) by the end of the trip


  • What we did: Roughly 2 days spent in the Taupo area, soaring through the air and water
  • Favourite part: White water rafting on the Tongariro River!
  • Best Experience: Flying over Lake Taupo with the mountains in the distance
  • Worst Experience: Struggling with a lack of wifi in our accommodation, and having to resort to McDonalds – not fun as the wifi there never seemed to work
  • Must See Attraction: Lake Taupo. With a lake the size of Singapore, if you can’t find a water activity or spot around the lake you like the look of then you probably didn’t look hard enough!
  • Next stop: Waitomo Caves, then back to Auckland and home. Next post will be on NZ food

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