World Travel 2013-2014, Bulgarian Food

Another day, another food post.

Might make this one a bit different and showcase one particular meal that we enjoyed while we were in Sofia. We found a place on one of the main streets called AM AM which made a rather nice chicken wrap. For 1.9 Bulgarian we could get a small wrap (hahah, that’s a joke) which could probably feed an army. Well maybe not an army, but it fed me for both dinner and breakfast.

Just to get an idea of how small our small wraps are, here they are all packaged ready to be eaten on the night train with my lens cap for a size reference.

Dinner on the Train, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dinner on the Train, Sofia, Bulgaria

And here is what the inside looks like. These wraps were probably the best doner, shaowarma, gyros whatever you want to call them I have had in Greece, Turkey or Bulgaria. Lots of meat, and tonnes of salad. So much salad! I didn’t like the ones in Greece as they were too salty, and the ones in Turkey never had any salad but these were fantastic – not salty at all and lots of salad to balance out the meat a bit. It’s hard to see in the photo, but there was lettuce, cabbage, a mix of herbs, tomato, cucumber and pickles as well as a delicious garlic and spicy sauce.

Inside Dinner, Sofia, Bulgaria
Inside Dinner, Sofia, Bulgaria

So now that’s done, here are a few more photos of a couple of things we ate while we were there. Not too many photos as we didn’t stay too long, and ate quite a few meals in (however, that ham / cheese roll was pretty good for breakfast).

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