World Travel 2013-2014, Floating Down the River in Suzhou
Our first day in Suzhou was an interesting mix. First stop was a boat ride around the water, taking a look at the various pagodas. It was rather relaxing and the area around the boat was beautiful. It was interesting to see how many couples were having their wedding photos taken in the area – turns out that Chinese wedding photos are taken during the engagement about a year before the actual wedding.
A bit different to Australia…
Unfortunately the next stop was the river cruise which Takeshi and I weren’t that interested in doing (who wants to be stuck on another boat only a few hours after a boat ride?) which meant that we got dropped in the area that the bus was waiting for the rest of the tour group. We then had to find our own entertainment for about an hour. One way was rather boring with just wedding dress shops – seriously a ridiculous amount of them. There were some beautiful bridges, and once we walked back across the other way we found some beautiful temples and streets with old run down buildings.
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