World Travel 2013-2014, Pastries and Ornate Buildings in Belem
Our final day in Portugal was spent doing a ‘day trip’ out to Belem. Well I wouldn’t really count it as a day trip, as it was only 20 minutes or so away from the centre of Lisbon by tram, but I guess it counts.
Belem is well known for it’s pastries (Pastel de Belem) which is similar to a custard tart. It’s also well known for the Jeronimos Monastery and Belem Tower which are both very close to the coast and within walking distance of each other. We only had a few hours in Belem before we had to head back to Lisbon for our bus, but we were able to walk around a take a look at the outside of the tower as well as the monastery before munching on one of those famous Pastel de Belem’s before heading back.
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