World Travel 2013-2014, Sting Ray Attack!

Our last stop of the cruise was at the private island of Great Stirrup Cay. This was probably Takeshi and my least favourite stop as it was pretty much just a beach area for people to relax on the beach and maybe do some swimming or water sports. We have lots of lovely beaches in Australia, so that didn’t hold that much interest for us; however, there was a tour that we were interested in.

The one we opted for was the string ray encounter. After being taken out by boat to the area, we jumped in the water with the sting rays and got to roam around touching and feeding the rays. It was a pretty cool experience. Definitely won’t forget having rays trying to nibble your toes (well, suction) – it was a very strange sensation.

Obviously I couldn’t take my camera into the water (the holding area was chest deep) so the photos were quickly taken before and after we jumped in.

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