World Travel 2013-2014, Sweet Treats and Drinks in Taiwan


As you can see from the featured image, the first thing we have to talk about is the bakeries and in particular the pineapple cake here in Taiwan. Taiwan is known for it’s pineapple cake, and this one didn’t disappoint. The pastry around the pineapple was flaky and very buttery, and the inside was delicious and not overly sweet.

We have found some delicious breads in bakeries here in Taiwan. It can be a bit interesting though attempting to select some breads. Obviously you can tell roughly what something is by looking at it (a cream bun looks pretty similar regardless of where you are); however, some are a bit trickier. The one below Takeshi was able to translate ‘original’ and ‘mist’ from the characters so we’ll call it the original mist bun. Whatever it actually was, it was rather yummy and not as sweet as I expected.

Original.. mist... bread, Taipei, Taiwan
Original.. mist… bread, Taipei, Taiwan


Two drinks I wanted to share with you. Apparently it’s common in Taiwan to have a soy milk drink with breakfast. We had the opportunity to try some with our breakfast one day in Taiwan and had to try it out. Personally I’m not a fan of soy milk, and although the sweet soy milk we tried is better than any others I’ve tasted, it’s still not to my personal taste. If you love soy milk then I’m sure you’ll love it, as for me I think I’ll be avoiding this one from now on…

Sweet soy milk for breakfast, Taipei, Taiwan
Sweet soy milk for breakfast, Taipei, Taiwan

Another drink we tried while we were in Taiwan was the milk bubble tea. Had to try this while we were here seeing as Taiwan is the birthplace of bubble tea, and it didn’t disappoint. I love milk tea, and the tapioca pearls here were much smaller and softer than the ones in Australia (which I personally don’t like). Takeshi didn’t like it, but I thought it was rather nice.

Bubble Milk Tea, Hualien, Taiwan
Bubble Milk Tea, Hualien, Taiwan

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