World Travel 2013-2014, Travelling to Niagara Falls
I won’t think we could head to Toronto (or Canada for that matter) without visiting Niagara Falls! Takeshi and I were both very excited to visit, and Kathleen and Roger were very kind to join us for the day (and drive us a very long distance!) which was fantastic.
It was pretty awesome, and the amount of water that was flowing over the falls was very impressive. If only we could borrow a bit of that water in Australia! Words can’t really explain it, so here are some photos – hopefully they’ll do a better job!
Arriving at Niagara Falls, Canada
First sight of the Falls, Canada
Looking across Niagara Falls, Canada
Seagull at Niagara Falls, Canada
Niagara Falls Visitor Centre, Canada
Behind the Falls, Canada
Behind the Niagara Falls, Canada
Walking down to the Hornblower, Canada
On the Hornblower, Canada
Leaving the Dock, Canada
Approaching Niagara Falls, Canada
Heading back from the Falls, Canada
Close up of the Falls, Canada
Observation deck on the American side of the Falls, Canada
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